Water Baptism

Your new life in Christ.

“The result of this new life, marked by our baptism, is that we have been given new identity, a new purpose, and a new spiritual family.”

Being baptised in water is one of the first unforgettable steps a new follower of Jesus takes. It is a simple step of obedience yet is profound in what it represents – an outward act that reflects the inward miracle of salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Water baptism reflects how we have broken with the old sinful life and have been brought into a new resurrected and hope-filled life.  This booklet explains what water baptism is and how it is an important step of faith that sets the tone for the rest of our Christian lives. We also answer some common questions that get asked in relation to water baptism today.

This resource is aimed at firstly new believers who need to understand the importance of baptism. Secondly, it can be a great resource for those who disciple others and who need to answer basic questions relating to baptism, and thirdly any baptised believer can be refreshed by reading it as it paints a fresh picture of the work of salvation through our Lord Jesus.

Michael serves on the eldership team in Joshua Generation Church and is the Dean of Leap Discipleship Year(formerly known as Timothy Ministry Training). He is married to Adrienne, and they have three children. Michael loves to teach, write, train up future leaders and play tennis. Follow him on Facebook and Instagram for more.

© Reproduction, printing and distribution is restricted and subject to obtaining approval from the copyright owners at [email protected]. First Edition August 2020, Cape Town.


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