Luke Hulley

A sign and an assurance of things to come.
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A closer look at this spiritual gift.
Despite increasing criticism, the church needs Charismatic Christianity.
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Have you found the peace that comes from complete surrender?
Common arguments supporting the Health & Wealth Gospel tackled.
Do you believe the Holy Spirit has the power to perform miracles today?
Key evangelical doctrines that are under attack in our generation.
What Liberal Theology is, where it came from and how it continues to lead Christians astray.
What is the true mission of the church and how does justice fit into this?
God’s perspective on what true justice looks like.
Series image for 'Savvy Sheep' about false teachings
God’s perspective on what true justice looks like.
Godly femininity is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity.
A Scriptural evaluation of the modern anti-racism movement.
A review and response to Terran Williams' book 'How God Sees Women' - The End of Patriarchy.
Is our lived experience the most significant and authoritative way of arriving at the truth?
In a life of fruitfulness that brings glory to the Father, good intentions just don’t cut it.
Where are you storing up your treasures?
Aren’t Halloween costumes all just harmless fun for children?
Four12 article image for 'Sexual Sin in the Church'
Why tolerating sexual sin is satan’s silent strategy to disarm the church.
Four12 article image for 'Diversity in Leaders'
Should church leadership be representative of different groups?
Four12 article image of 'The Danger of the Seven Mountains Mandate & Dominionism' on Dominionism.
Why is it vital that the church remembers its mission in the world?
Four12 article image for 'What Ravi Taught Us'
Tackling the tough questions when Christian leaders fall.
Four12 article image for 'What Do Elders Do?' about the role of elders.
The role of elders in the local church.
Four12 article image for 'What Does It Take To Be An Elder?' on the qualifications of an elder.
What does God require and what expectations are just a hangover from worldly thinking?
Lessons Learned During Lockdown
Jesus has been busy during lockdown, refining His bride and bringing us back to what is truly essential.
Session Applying Scripture Today
Applying the Biblical truths of Scripture the way God intended today.
Session 4 How to Let the Scriptures Speak
Practical skills to get at what the Biblical text meant for its original hearers.
How do we as leaders lead so that we follow the Holy Spirit? 
What is ‘Dominion theology’ and its role within Kingdom Now theology?
Four12 article image for 'What Psalm 91 Can Teach Us' about God's protection, provision and healing.
What truths can we appropriate for our own lives as New Covenant believers from Psalm 91?
Discussions around issues relating to understanding the Kingdom of God.
Taking a look at how we should interpret prophesies, principles and promises from the Old Testament as New Testament believers.
Four12 article image for 'How To Do Topic Study' on doing a Topic Bible study.
So you want to study up on a particular topic in the Bible - where should you begin?
Four12 article image for 'How To Do A Bible Study' on studying the Bible.
How to get more out of your time in the Word.
God gave us reason for a reason, but what is our reason for trying to understand God?
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Go ahead, meditate on the glories of heaven for five minutes and see if it doesn’t transform your whole outlook for the day.
How do we train our souls to handle any trial or pressure with godliness?
Four12 article image for 'How Does Jesus Fix Racism?' about how Christians should deal with racism
It may seem like a quaint, Christian platitude that ‘Jesus is the remedy’ but how exactly does Jesus fix racism?
What did Jesus mean when He taught us to pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”?
Four12 article image for 'White Privilege & Cultural Marxism' about social justice and Christianity
The Church faces complex challenges with the popularisation of secular ideologies.
Four12 article image header for 'When Prayers Don't Get Answered' about how Christians should respond to unanswered prayer
Why does God sometimes not answer our prayers?
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Why does God sometimes not answer our prayers?
Four12 News image for 'Who Is Really Offending You?' about offence
Are we missing God’s message to us because we are offended with the messenger God chooses to speak through?
Four12 article image for 'Jobs Which Christians Should Not Do' about choosing jobs that honour God and people
How can we know which jobs are inappropriate for Christians?
Four12 article image for 'Addicted to Distraction' about the distractions of technology
Are you addicted to your cell phone? Technologies can be very helpful tools, or they can make for unhealthy Christians.
Four12 article image for 'Humanism's Dark Secret'
When 'man is the measure of all things', what are the implications for morality and ethics in society?
Four12 article image for 'No Longer A Goat' about godly leadership and followers
Why are the righteous like sheep and godly leaders like good shepherds?
Kingdom living can be quite a juggle sometimes.
Four12 article image for 'What is an Ephesians 4 Gift?'
What's the difference between spiritual gifting and an Ephesians 4 gift?
Four12 article image for 'A New Believer's Survival Guide' which gives tools for the new believer
As a lion's eye locks onto the new-born calf, Satan's strategy is to take out new believers while they are still young and vulnerable.
Four12 article image for 'My Beers and My Bro's' abourt Christians drinking alcohol
When it is not OK for a Christian to drink?
Four12 article image for 'When The Spirit Moves In Power'
When the Spirit fell at Pentecost, the crowd's responses differed - how will you respond?
Four12 article image for 'How Not to Become an Elder'
Do you aspire to be an elder for the position or the people?


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