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Sowing Into Our Children

We have the incredible privilege of being seed sowers and stewarding the generation that follows us – to know the Father and seek His heart for their lives. It’s a raw balance of intentionality, God’s grace and diligent sowing, even when it feels like you’re facing an upward climb. 

Below are snapshots of parents and their children within the Four12 partnership of churches who, by God’s grace, are seeing some of the fruit of sowing seeds of God’s heart into the next generation. We trust that this will impart hope and encouragement for any season that you may be in.  


Church is Family

“We were taught that church is family. In the Bible, Jesus taught His disciples that those who do the will of His Father are His family – not only those who are blood relatives. I didn’t learn this – I saw this as a reality in my parents’ lives. Growing up, I had many brothers, mothers & fathers. I had a huge family, as my parents’ lives were devoted to not only building our home & house but to building the house of God. They loved, they received, they helped raise mothers, brothers & fathers in the House of God.”
João Paulo Pacheco 


Walking in the Footsteps of Giants 

“It’s been important for me to instill in my son the value of gleaning wisdom from those in the church & our family who have walked the road of faith before him. I knew it would impact him to hear these stories of faith – of how they walked with God through often very difficult circumstances, yet overcame through Christ. My mother, Aunty Peggy (whose grandfather was saved in the Welsh revival), played a major role in shaping & inspiring both mine and my son’s faith.”
Margo Smith 


Identity in Jesus 

“My parents have been instrumental in helping me to find my identity in Jesus. They have guided me to Jesus, no matter what I was feeling – lonely, tired, angry, sad, happy, disappointed or blessed. They have shown me His hand in all the situations and events of my life.”
– Seth Verreynne


It Starts Around the Table 

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:15

“One of the keys over the years that have helped us as a family to retain some sort of normality ‘starts around the dinner table’.
A place & time where, from early childhood we decided as a family, when and where possible, to remove all electronic devices & secure a special time where we could, as a family, enjoy each other’s discussions about the day gone by, the challenges, the victories & even find opportunities to have recalibration times without the continuous distraction of social media or a TV overriding our voices or minds. Try it with your family and those you lead – they may just find it quite refreshing.”
– Ivan Nathan Van Vuuren


Leading by Example

“We have always been encouraged not to settle for comfortable Christianity – to take the leap of faith and be willing to live unconventionally, sometimes even nonsensically, for Jesus. They don’t just preach this to their children, they demonstrate it in the way they live their own lives.
– Nick Whelan


Intentional Relationship 

“Now this is eternal life: that they may know You.” (John 17:3)
Being a student, observer and participant in the relationship between Jesus & my dad is one of my life’s privileges! Intentionally including me in that relationship imparted eternal life into my heart.”
– Charlie Deyzel


Jesus: The Centre 

“Jesus has always been the centre of our family, and because of this, I knew from a young age that Jesus was real, close, faithful & worth my everything.”
Caitlin Whelan


Loving Relentlessly 

“As parents and leaders, we value praying together as a family & teaching our children to be self-feeders when it comes to the Word of God. We have determined to always speak well of others & of the church so that they grow to love the church & value people, always remembering that children, and saints, will catch what they see we are, not what we say we are.”
Euan MacRae 


Modelling Repentance 

“For us, modelling lives of repentance, as well as putting God first, especially when it’s difficult or inconvenient, has been a priority for us in raising our children in a godly way.”
Manie & Lindsay Lombard 


In This Together 

“We encouraged them to be involved in church life and to use their gifts. This meant that they found belonging & value in taking responsibility. For example, they all served in Sunday school, AV, etc. In so many ways, the church helped us shape our children to also love Christ.”
Michael &Adrienne d’Offay 


They Belong to God 

“There are no perfect parents or leaders, but our job is to point them to the One who is perfect! Our children and those we lead do not belong to us, they belong to God and we are called to continually point them to Him. I aimed to teach my children in word & deed that there is nothing more important in all the world than knowing Jesus as Saviour & Lord, and obeying His voice.”
Pamela Jane Marais

Four12 is a dynamic partnership of churches across the globe working together to Equip, Restore and Advance the church that Jesus Himself is building. You can follow us on FacebookInstagram and YouTube, or get our App.




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