Still I Will Follow

Coming back to the heart of discipleship

Modern believers seem more like spiritual tourists than disciples … it is the ordinary, courageous disciples whom the Lord has and will use to change the world.

Still I Will Follow is written to inspire every believer to aim for a passionate life of uncompromising faith in their Saviour and lay down their desires to love, serve, and transform their generation. Leading us along the narrow path of what it means to be an authentic disciple today, Michael d’Offay takes a Biblical, personal and practical look at some misconceptions and false gospels shrouding the truth of the cost and joy of being a Christian.

He addresses embracing our calling, the value of obedience, the importance of self-denial, how we treat others, reproducing other disciples and enduring to the end. This book is a concise antidote to the intoxicating indoctrination of today’s pervading misdirection around what it means to follow Jesus.

Michael serves on the eldership team in Joshua Generation Church and is the Dean of Leap Discipleship Year(formerly known as Timothy Ministry Training). He is married to Adrienne, and they have three children. Michael loves to teach, write, train up future leaders and play tennis. Follow him on Facebook and Instagram for more.

© Reproduction, printing and distribution is restricted and subject to obtaining approval from the copyright owners at [email protected]. First Edition August 2021, Cape Town.


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