New Testament Church

Building Church According to Biblical Values

The church is very important to God. The Bible tells us that ‘through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places’ (Ephesians 3:10, ESV).

It is vital that every believer should be a part of a healthy church and give themselves to it.

This booklet explains what healthy, New Testament church means for us as believers, and highlights where these truths can be found in Scripture.


Mipingo Yachipangano Chatsopano

BY Lance & Sue McIntosh

“Mpingo chiri chithu chofunika kwambiri kwa Mulungu. Bayibulo limanena ku Aefeso 3:10  “Tsopano afuna kuti kudzera mwa Mpingo, mafumu ndi aulamuliro onse a Kumwamba adziwe nzeru za Mulungu zamitundumitundu.” (BL, 2018) Ndichofunika kuti okhulupilira akhale wosadwala m’mpingo ndikuzipeleka iye yekha kwa icho.”


This booklet was translated by: Andrew Kapalula Junior

Lance and his wife, Sue, are the lead eldership couple of Living Stones church in Malawi. They have two children and share a deep passion for Africa, the youth and for reaching the lost with the Gospel. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram for more.


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