Michael d'Offay

Image for ‘False Churches & Cults’ about how cults compare to the true church of Christ.
A conversation to demystify and explain what cults are, in light of the biblically true Church.
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How would we know, in today’s world, that someone is an apostle?
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Understand the origin of the Apostle and why we still need the gift today.
How should we as the church respond to opposition and maintain our hope?
Why should saints care about apostolic partnership?
What God's covenant of grace looks like in our relationships.
How do we know that the resurrection of Jesus actually happened?
Lets Talk About-Series
What it means to be under grace, the two sides of grace, and why both are needed in order to be a healthy follower of Jesus.
Lets Talk About-Series
Worship is a life devoted to putting God first. During this episode Michael teaches that worship is what we give our greatest worth and devotion to and looks at three ways our worship expresses and outworks itself in Acts 2:42 - 47.
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The importance of breaking bread together and why we take communion.
Lets Talk About-Series
The biblical value of hospitality and why we are called to practice it.
Video image for session 5 of Ins and Outs of Community Leading on Kingdom vs culture.
Community living that creates a safe space and is accepting of all cultures.
Video image for session 4 of Ins and Outs of Community Leading on leading and building intentionally.
How to be sensitive to diverse personalities as you lead and build intentionally.
Video image for session 3 of Ins and Outs of Community Leading on including children in community life.
How to include children within the life of your community.
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How to allow the Spirit to lead you creatively in your community.
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How to build family and raise leaders from a place of friendship, not function.
Unpacking what it means to lead ourselves well, and why this is quintessential for any leader - and believer - to finish their race strong strong.
What it means to be an authentic disciple today.
What does the Bible say about marriage and divorce?
Your new life in Christ and the act of water baptism.
Black Friday deals and Christmas holidays can so often lead to ungodly, frenzied spending.
Three principles on how we can train to be godly.
Four12 video series image for 'A True Historical Event' about the history of the Cross
The Cross is an historical event, but is it also a theological truth?
Four12 article image for 'Signs of Immaturity' about tells that reveal Christian immaturity.
How to avoid being tossed to and fro by various winds of doctrine.
There are many clever people who are called ‘fools’ by Scripture.
When we choose to live honestly and allow people into our lives, it creates an opportunity for true Christian fellowship.
Four12 article image for 'Lord of Our Living Spaces' about the importance of meeting in homes as Christians.
It’s not wrong to love our own space, but our homes are a gift from God to see His kingdom come on this earth.
Four12 article image for ''The Secret: Dare To Dream' Review
Everyone wants to know the secret to life, but when a movie claims to know the answer, check what the Word of God says.
Four12 article image for 'The Almost Joys of Online Church' about the downside of online church.
Lockdown has caused us to re-examine what church is & given us a new joy in what we took for granted.
Session 3 Bridging the Gap
A common mistake Christians make when reading the Word of God.
Session 2 Our Attitude Towards the Bible
Four vital attitudes we need when approaching Scripture.
Marriage is not about our happiness but about our holiness.
Four12 article image for 'When God Gives You A New Name'
What is the significance of God giving us a new name?
Our homes aren't meant to be walled castles keeping people out, but welcoming households drawing people in.
Our money and possessions can either be a terrible master or an effective servant in our lives.
Four12 article image for 'Improving the Mind and Enriching the Soul' about motives for studying the Bible
Is it possible to study the Bible in a way that causes us to know and love God more deeply?
Four12 article image for 'Real Christians Never Disagree' about holding to unity on the essentials while creating room for other differences.
God wants us to walk in unity, so must we agree on everything to do so?
Four12 article image for 'Don't Be A Drifter' about persisting in faith in order to avoid personal moral failures
The Christian life is not like an airport travelator, it is more like a treadmill.
Four12 article image for 'How Not To Follow' about learning to follow leaders well
People tend to fall into two extremes when following leadership.
There are times when Christians are to judge others.
Four12 conference image for 'Assurance of Salvation'
A look at the ‘Doctrine of Assurance’ and the crucial question, 'How do I know I am really saved?'
Four12 article image for 'Lost in Translation' about the gift of tongues
The gift of tongues is a mysterious gift that is frequently misused and misunderstood.
Four12 article image for 'How To Read Wisely' about choosing Christian books wisely
How can we choose and read Christian books wisely?
Four12 article image for 'The Shack Reviewed'
Why 'The Shack' is dangerous for your faith.
Four12 article image for 'Speaking From The Grave' about lessons from church history
Michael d'Offay recounts stories from the rich history of the church to illuminate the modern-day struggles of the church.
Video image of 2016 Four12 RSA Conference session 'False Gospels'
Michael d'Offay shares on false gospels, which have no power over sin and diminish the Lord's work and victory.
Four12 article image for 'The "Therapeutic Gospel"' about a false gospel
'Giving someone this message is like arming a soldier with a wooden sword.'
The 'Self-Improvement Gospel' is when we trust in our own moral effort and goodness.
How do I know if I have committed the unforgivable sin?
Four12 article image for 'Why Do We Lay Hands?' about the laying on of hands
The significance of the laying on of hands.
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Holidays and rest periods do not mean we stop loving God and people.
Four12 article image for 'Deserving Hell, Receiving Heaven' about self-righteousness versus humility
What kind of a person does God accept and who does He reject?
Do our lives line up with the words of the worship songs we sing?
Video image of 2015 Four12 RSA Conference session 'The Wisdom of the Cross' about God's wisdom
A closer look at 1 Corinthians 1 & 2, delving into the wisdom God wants us to walk in, highlighting the cross.
Four12 article image for 'The Person of the Holy Spirit - Part 2' about the Holy Spirit and His divinity
Let us not honour the Holy Spirit with our lips yet neglect Him as Lord.
Four12 article image for 'The Person of the Holy Spirit - Part 1'
What Scripture says about the person of the Holy Spirit.
Video image for 2015 Four12 Conference in IOM for 'BEing Devoted to The Apostles' Teaching'
Why it is so important for us to be devoted to the apostles' teaching.
Suffering Well
We have to believe that all that happens to us is Father-filtered.


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